Irvington Theater’s highly-acclaimed, annual film festival of animated, live action, and documentary shorts by filmmakers from around the world.

As iFF returns on April 26, 2025 with the theme “Take Two.”

Follow us on Instagram for all the latest on As iFF 2025, and check out ASIFF’s Facebook for a preview of this year’s selected shorts. 

About As iFF

As iFF (All Shorts Irvington Film Festival) — founded by Laurie Chock in 2015 — is a curated international film festival that presents live action, animated, and documentary short films. Official Selections are chosen from hundreds of submissions by filmmakers from around the world. Jury prizes are awarded in a va­ri­ety of cat­e­gories by As iF­F’s Ad­vi­sory Board (com­pris­ing highly-ac­claimed film ed­i­tors, an­i­ma­tors, writ­ers, ac­tors, di­rec­tors, and pro­duc­ers); au­di­ence mem­bers vote for their fa­vorite short at the end of the evening.

As iFF is presented as a one-night-only event in our majestic, historic theater overlooking the Hudson River, just north of New York City. Each festival sells out to an audience of film enthusiasts, garnering extensive press coverage and offering each selected film exceptional visibility. As iFF has featured never-before-seen world premieres, United States and New York premieres, student works, and shorts that have won prizes at other international festivals.

A festive after-party follows each screening where audience members can participate in lively discussions with directors and actors. Filmmakers value this rare opportunity to see their work on the big screen alongside a thoroughly engaged, film-loving audience.